Planck's Equation Solver

Planck's Equation Solver

This equation solver for Planck's Equation is a proof of concept for the notion of recursive forms (RFs).
Planck's Equation Solver


This tool, in the modality of an equation solver, is a proof of concept for the notion of recursive forms (RFs). Planck's Equation is solved for a missing term (Brune, 2021; Cramer, 2021; Fernflores, 2019; Odenwald, 2021).

RFs automatically submit themselves when a user completes the following steps (see Theory section).

  1. Select an initial option or accept the default one.
  2. Input a value compatible with said option.
  3. Select a new option.


The following examples illustrate how this RF works. Data in scientific notation must be entered in "e" notation, with the + sign being optional, but not the − one.

A user selects the "wavelength (nm)" option, enters "400", and switches to the "wavenumber (cm-1)" option. RF returns "25000".

Now switching to the "Energy (Joule)" option, said output becomes the new input and the RF returns "4.96606206677E-19".

Again, switching to the "frequency (s-1)" option, the previous output becomes the new input and the RF returns "7.49481145E+14".

400 nm = 25000 cm-1
25000 cm-1 = 4.96606206677E-19 J
4.96606206677E-19 J = 7.49481145E+14 s-1
7.49481145E+14 s-1 = 400 nm


We define a recursive form (RF) as an HTML form where the name/value pairs of successful controls are recursively generated through the decision-making process of users.


The algorithm implemented by this RF represents all possible missing terms of Planck's Equation as a two-dimensional associative array of the form

$index = [
     "missing_term_1" =>"new_option_1", 
      "solution_1_1" => "value_1_1", 
      "solution_1_2" => "value_1_2", 
     "missing_term_2" =>"new_option_2", 
      "solution_2_1" => "value_2_1", 
      "solution_2_2" => "value_2_2",

This is faster than using nested switch statements, particularly as the size or dimensionality of the array increases.

The index is searched in two steps. First, the subarray that matches the missing term (i.e., the new option) is located. Subarray solutions are then located. If there is a match (i.e., in function of the initial option and input value), the solution is retrieved and displayed in the input field as the new value.

Users can repeat this process as many times as they wish to by simply switching to a new option.

Planck's Equation

Planck's Equation relates the energy of a single photon to its wavelength

(1)\[E = h\nu\]

(2)\[E = h{c\over \lambda}\]

(3)\[E = hc\tilde\nu\]

where E is the energy of a photon, and

Planck's constant, h = 6.62607004e-34 J∙s
speed of light in vacuum, c = 2.99792458e-8 m/s
frequency, ν s-1
wavelength, λ nm
wavenumber, ν̃ = 1/λ cm-1

Multiplying E by Avogadro's Number gives the energy of a mole of photons.


  • Build an equation solver for Van der Waals Equation.
  • Build an equation solver for Debye-Hückel Extended Limiting Law.
  • Build an equation solver for Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation.
  • Consider the reaction O3 + E → O2 + O*. The bond strength between O2 and O* is 386 kJ mol-1. What is the shortest wavenumber and frequency that a photon can have to break the bond between O2 and O*?
