Body Mass Index Calculator

Body Mass Index Calculator

Calculate one of the terms in the body mass index equation using the other variables, weight (M) and height (H), where BMI is the body mass index.
body mass index


When submitting your data and referring to the results, please keep in mind that this tool and the tables below are only for educational and illustrative purposes.

BMI for adults 20 years old and older regardless of age, sex, or gender.
Category BMI (kg/m2) BMIprime*
Underweight 18.5 or less 0.740 or less
Normal (healthy) weight 18.5 to 24.9 0.740 to 0.996
Overweight 25.0 to 29.9 1.000 to 1.196
Obese Class I (Moderately obese) 30.0 to 34.9 1.200 to 1.396
Obese Class II (Severely obese) 35.0 to 39.9 1.400 to 1.596
Obese Class III (Very severely obese) 40.0 or more 1.600 or more
*BMIprime = BMI/25. For populations in South East Asia and South China, it is recommended to calculate BMI Prime using an upper limit BMI of 23 in the denominator instead of 25. This allows for easy comparison between populations that have different optimal upper-limit BMI values, as enabled by the BMI Prime calculation.

BMI categories defined by the World Health Organization. The WHO regards an adult BMI of less than 18.5 as underweight and possibly indicative of malnutrition, an eating disorder, or other health problems, while a BMI of 25 or more is considered overweight and 30 or more is considered obese (WHO, 2005; 1995).

Garcia, E. (2023, January 1). The Body Mass Index.

Body Mass Index (2023, January 5). In Wikipedia.